Time and tide wait for none and in continuation of this saga there have been many an upheaval in Indian fashion industry that have an indelible mark on the way an Indian woman puts her attire on. Salwar Kameez too has been through many alternations in the material, designing and cuttings and fittings. The phrase “Salwar Kameez” has born out of the marriage between the two words “Salwar” and “Kameez”. “Salwar” means a pair of trousers that tight at the ends such as ankles but loosely fit otherwise while “Kameez” means a type of tunic that is loosely fit and worn with “Salwar”.

It is believed to be one of the traditional wears of women pertaining to the South Asia as well Central Asia comprising countries like India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh even though Salwar Kameez is predominantly worn by the gents as well belonging to the Punjabi and Muslim community. Gents from other communities too wear Salwar Kameez as a mark of their traditional wear and mostly wear during the festivities or occasions such as marriage etc.

Going by the origin of the words “Salwar” and “Kameez” you can jolly well conclude that it is a traditional wear that can be traced back to the medieval era. There can barely be any dispute on this issue as the word “Salwar” owes its origin to Persian language while “Shaelva.r” and “Kameez” traces back to Medieval Latin “Camisa”.

With the passage of time different materials such as velvet (apart from the traditional ones such as cotton or silk) have made an inroad to the making of Salwar Kameez which has essentially helped travel many horizons less travelled thereby gave and still giving births to different dimensions and looks to this Salwar Kameez industry as a whole.

History of Velvet Fabric & its making:

A problem well defined is half solved so goes a maxim that urges us for knowing things in detail with a view to avoid unnecessary confusions. Let’s begin to know what velvet fabric is all about.

Velvet is no natural fabric; rather it’s artificially made through weaving thereby gets enamored with a tufted look and smooth feel. Velvet is woven in special looms that produce double the thickness of the velvet what we see in the market and then the woven linen is cut apart into two. Both the linens are then further wound up in take-up rolls with a view to create tufts and the smooth feel. Different fibers can be used for making velvet such as silk, cotton etc.

With the introduction of power looms the cost of producing velvets has gone down drastically even though the ingredient too makes a huge difference in costing. For example velvet made of pure silk will cost a few hundred dollars per yard (1 yard = 3 feet that roughly translates into 91.44 centimeters).

Inclusion of velvet by the Indian Designers in their collections:

People by default are inclined to explore always something new and it becomes indomitable or you can say insatiable in the matters of fashion. It is this behavior of the human being that has led to the many discoveries throughout the world and essentially has given birth to the saying – necessity is the mother of invention.

As a matter of fact Indian designers could ill afford for not exploring the newer variants in fabrics alongside designs to present their creations in an aesthetically whole new look and feel. Introduction of velvet in Indian fashion collections can therefore be termed as an output of that endeavor alone. This has resulted in delving further into the subcategories such as Chiffon or Transparent Velvet, Crushed Velvet, Ring Velvet, Plain Velvet etc. to name a few.

Velvet Salwar gaining popularity:

The word “popularity” itself clarifies its standalone features of Velvet Salwar since it connotes the quality of being admired or sought after. Given by the pedigree of velvet it is popularly believed to be the replica for nobility and it was adored highly by the sultans and emperors in general right from medieval era and the legacy goes on uninterrupted.

Metromela Brings you the best collection Velvet Salwars to buy online!

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