Continuing our series Sportswear for women and the following collections handpicked for you Collection 1 of 3 and Collection 2 of 3, this final Collection 3 of 3 (Editor’s Pick) is my personal favourite.
Collection 3 of 3: (Writers Pick = Rs 4393)
The top and track is an awesome set by Fun.Sporty.You brand by FunSexyYou (FSY). Little known is its brand but its collection seems be much more trendier and sportier than most other brands out there. This set of Top and capri is perfect for Yoga or intense workout sessions. The sweat absorbing polyester fabric snugs around the body well and keeps you cool and dry. (Source:, Price = Rs 1499).
FSY also has a cute pair of ankle socks with dotted accents. It has 3 pairs of blue, orange and yellow socks. (Source:, Price = Rs 599).
An orange pair of Nike running shoes completes the entire workout collection. The colour perfectly complements the top and tracks. Its shock absorbing material is perfect for running, jogging or gym workouts. (Source:, Price = Rs 2295).
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Checkout the rest of the sportswear for women collection: