DIY Bracelets

Hey! Let’s make some trendy easy DIY Bracelets today!
Follow the simple steps mentioned below and make trendy bracelets / anklets that can match your dress.

Step 1: To start making your own DIY Bracelets gather a few beads and a fancy string. Suggest the string to be strong else there could be a chance for the bracelet to break easily. Also make sure you have a medium sized wooden button as well.

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Step 2: Gather 3 strings together and make a loop to tie a knot. Make sure you leave some area at the end. This will help in clasping the other end of the bracelet around your wrist.

Step 3: Start by making a simple plait using the 3 strings. Continue this for about two inches.

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Step 4: Insert a bead on the right string and bring it to the centre. Similarly add another bead to the left string and continue braiding using these beads.

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Step 5: Keep checking the bracelet on your wrist to make sure the braided beads cover the top of the wrist completely. End the bracelet again with about 2 inches of braiding without the beads to make it look uniform and make a strong knot at the end leaving a few stings loose.

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Step 6: Insert the button into one of the strings and knot it with the other string as shown in the picture. Carefully cut out the unwanted strings.

YOUR NEW FASHION DIY BRACELETS ARE READY!! You can wear them to college, at work and flaunt these DIY Bracelets with pride.

Try using different beads and stones to make it look different and attractive. Do not forget to share your own DIY Bracelets design with us on our Facebook page

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