Water marble nail art is a fun to wear. The great thing is that you can make all kinds of different nail art using the same method. It takes very little supply to create these designs. You can easily decorate your nails by just using things around the house. Water marble nail art patterns look fabulous for any occasion and can do justice to an elegant evening of fun or on a holiday too. Doing water marble nail art is easier than you think.

Water marble nail art is a way to produce the marble effect on your nails using any nail colour you want. There is lots of trendy nail art available for you to try, and the great thing about this method is that it can be mastered very easily. Marble nail art is easy to manage and you don’t need to be artistically talented or trained to have these great looking nails.

The Tools You Will Need to Create Water Marble Nail Art Designs are:

  • At least two different color nail polishes,
  • A cup of some kind,
  • A toothpick,
  • Water at room temperature and
  • Something to wipe the toothpick off with, such as a tissue.
  • You might also want to use scotch tape or masking tape to protect your fingers but this isn’t necessary. It just makes it a little easier to clean your fingers when you are finished.

Other things to keep in mind are base coat, top coat and nail polish remover.

Create Water Marble Nail Art Designs

Here is the Water Marble Nail Art Step by Step Guide:

  • The first thing you need to do, is apply base coat to all your nails. Always do this before applying nail polish. This helps to protect your nails from staining.
  • Once the base coat is dry apply either the lightest color you plan to use or a white polish. This is important in case there are any open spots in your marbling, then this color will show through.
  • Now that your nail polish is dry, you can begin to water marble.
  • Take a disposable cup or other cup you plan to use, like a chipped or slightly broken one that you will not use for drinking anymore, and fill it near the top with lukewarm or room temperature water. If the water is too cold or too hot your polish may not react well.
  • At this point, you may wish to tape your fingers, but not the nails if you want to minimize your clean up later. If you wish to do this just wrap the tape around the sides and top of your finger surrounding your nail bed. Be sure not to have any tape overlapping the nails themselves.
  • Now add one drop of the first color you wish to use into the water, in the cup. It should spread in the water.
  • Add a drop of the next color into the middle of the first drop. Keep doing this with each color or repeat color drops if you are only using two. The number of drops is up to you. You may want to check the nail polishes you are using as some of them won’t work for this technique.
  • Don’t lose heart, just try a different nail polish. Quick dry nail polishes are not very good for most nail art as they dry too quickly to work with and you will probably find they do not work for water marbling.
  • Once all your drops are in the water you can design your marble.
  • Take your toothpick and gently guide it through the drops of polishes to create the look you want.
  • Stop when you have a nice pattern! If you keep going you may ruin it.
  • This is the fun part, as you can create a floral design, stripes, or any marble look you wish. The more you play around with this technique the more you can learn to do with it.
  • Now that you have the pattern, dunk your nail into the polish and water.
  • Hold your finger under the water. Don’t pull it out!
  • You first need to take your toothpick and clean out all the excess polish that is still floating on top of the water.
  • Once you have removed all the unnecessary polish you can remove your finger.
  • You need to do this so the extra polish doesn’t ruin your marble nail art.
  • Be sure to clean the toothpick off to remove the polish that has gathered on it with a tissue or some other kind of wipe.
  • This is so you can reuse the toothpick for the next nail. If you find your toothpick becomes too cluttered with polish and won’t clean nicely anymore, then get yourself a new toothpick to use.
  • You simply repeat this process for every nail you plan to water marble. It doesn’t really use too much of your polish as it is only one to two drops per nail. If you are worried about wasting your nail polishes, you can always try dunking more than one finger at a time into the cup if there is enough polish and room for multiple fingers. Experiment and see what works best for you or what you are comfortable with.
  • Once your water marble nail art is complete, remove any tape you may have used and use the nail polish remover to wipe away any polish that may have gotten onto your skin. It should clean off easily. When the polish is dry cover the entire nail with top coat to add shine and protect your artwork.

For a video step by step guide trying following the link below:



Hassle Free and Simple Technique:

Even just using two colors can give you beautiful results for your water marble nail art.

Here in the photo above, two different glitter nail polishes were used for this elegant looking design. These nails would be perfect for an evening out and would certainly attract attention. Try out different color combinations and types of nail polishes to create gorgeous nails every time. Water marble nail art colors can be any set of polishes that compliment each other or contrast to stand out more. Try doing your nails in colors that match your outfit to complete your fashion statement.

Water marble nail art colors

The photo above shows many different water marble nail art patterns that can be accomplished by carefully using the toothpick in the polish when marbling.

  • The pointer finger has a star effect,
  • The middle finger is more striped in design,
  • The ring finger has a beautiful marble swirl and
  • The little finger demonstrates a floral look.

These nails come together because although she has used different marble effects, she has used the same colors on all the nails. This is also a great example of how you can use different shades of the same color, in this case blue, to create a lovely marble.

If you feel confident enough to give different water marble nail art patterns a try, then look online for different tutorials. There are many video tutorials available showing you how to create floral marble patterns or striped designs using this method. You might also find picture tutorials for the look you are after if you find they are easier to follow.

If you don’t find the tutorial you want, feel free to ask your favorite nail artist blogger to make a tutorial for you. They are usually more than happy to help. Don’t worry if you think your nails didn’t work out perfectly, no one will notice. Take it easy on yourself, you will be surprised how much others will love your work and be impressed with your talent.

Holiday Inspired Water Marble Nail Art:

Holiday Inspired Water Marble Nail Art

Holidays, festivals and special occasions are a great time to try out water marble nail art. Why not try a fun Candy Cane design for Christmas as in the photo above. Show your holiday spirit by simply using the colours that are associated with the holiday and create your water marble nail art patterns to match, too. Another holiday that is perfect for this nail art is Halloween. Oranges and blacks look great together and combined with an accent pumpkin nail or other Halloween character can make them even better.

Easy Halloween Water Marble Nail Art:

The video tutorial for this fantastic Halloween design is here at the link below:

An accent nail is the term used for any nail that is painted differently than the rest of the nails. Quite often a nail artist will do the ring finger on both hands to match, yet it would be different from the all the other nails. For instance in the photo above, she has made a Jack-o-lantern face on her ring finger. She would do this same design on the ring finger of her other hand so they match. You can use any finger you wish for an accent nail. It’s a cute way to mix up your nail art. You could easily do an accent nail with water marble nail art designs and have the other nails painted plain in one of the colors used in the marbling. Making a water marble accent nail is a good way to begin using this method and will give you some practice without committing to doing all your nails this way.

French Tip:


Water marble nail art tips are a fancy way to do a French tip design, as in the photo above. To recreate this look you would follow the same water marbling method, but you would tape over the portion of your nail that you do not want the water marble to appear on. Be careful when doing this as you do not want the tape to pull up any polish you have applied to your nail when you remove the tape. You could try to do this without tape by trying to carefully dip just the tip of your nail into the marbled polish, but it would be very tricky to do it that way. Water marble nail art can be used in a variety of ways to create different ideas.


The water marble nail art colors used in this photograph are holographic based polishes and give a stunning result. These polishes are especially breath-taking in the sunlight where you get the full effect of the holograph. Experiment with different types of polishes for a variety of effects, like glow-in-the-dark or neon colors. You can make your water marble nail art as flashy or as subtle as you like, depending on the colors you use.


You can add more touches to your marble nail art if you want by adding gems or decals or maybe even a fancy top coat. The picture above is of a floral design and  has added gems and little flower decals as well a glitter top coat to complete the artistry. There are many things you can do to dress this look up if you desire. Let your imagination soar.

Remember, Some Water Marble Nail Art Tips

  • To keep the water at room temperature for best results.
  • Some nail polishes just won’t work well in water, so you may need to try different polishes until you find the ones that work best.
  • Taping your fingers helps to minimize your clean up afterwards, too.

Water marble nail art isn’t hard to do and makes your nails look impressive and stylish. People will think you’ve had your nails done at a fancy salon and will be amazed when they find out that you did it yourself. It takes very few tools, that you probably already have, to achieve this look, so why not give water marble nail art a try today?


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