
If you are looking for a fashionable and a functional bag at the same time then tote bags should definitely be the choice. These bags are quite versatile as it can store ample of things at the same time. Basically a tote bag is a medium to a large sized square bag, which has a main compartment to store your valuable items. Though the totes are not very organized like the way a satchel or a backpack is, but that is exactly what the beauty of a tote bag is. You don’t have multiple pockets inside so it is very easy for you to carry anything in the bag and need not worry about fitting everything in its individual compartment in an organized manner. These bags are very flexible to handle. There is no restricted usage of this bag. It is a perfect use for anything and everything.

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There are around hundred possible uses of a tote bag. It can be a stylish alternative of a school bag or it can even be an eco friendly shopping bags or a reusable bag for multipurpose. It can even serve the purpose of a travel bag or a laptop bag. There are ample of uses of this bag.

Most of the women love the tote bags because it can be used for both travel and style purpose. They are easy to handle and can store shades, makeup, mobile, keys and a lot more. These bags are stylish and very spacious and are available in numerous sizes and colours. Generally, these bags are used for the heavy-duty purpose, therefore are normally made of sturdy fabrics such as canvas or nylon.

Tote bags are in huge demand today, as they are quite classy looking and are easy enough to maintain. These bags are available at a low cost so that people can afford to buy those again and again.

Related : Coach Bags – Stylish Leather-Ware

Crochet Tote Bags


These are knitted crochet tote bags. They are simple yet stylish in its look. It is suitable for a casual outing or can even be used as a college bag.

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Reusable Tote bags


The bags are generally made from recycled material and can be used for multiple purposes. Most people use them to avoid plastic bags. They are most useful while shopping at supermarkets. Some of these bags are also foldable and can be kept as a spare bag in the handbags for emergency or unplanned shopping.

Stylish tote bags for college


Since most tote bags are not as expensive as other leather handbags, these are most preferred by college students. The square or rectangular shape helps to carry necessary books and articles. These not only look trendy, but can also match your dressing style.

Embroidered tote bags


They are perfect for those who love colour. Most of these are available in multiple colours looks extremely trendy when matched with a plain kurti and a pair of contrasting leggings. Can be used by students or for a casual lunch get-together.

Related : 18 Sling Bags To Sling On Some Attitude!

Leather tote bags


Often these bags are seen among working women who need room to carry various articles such as a dairy, laptop, documents, etc. These are priced higher from those mentioned above as they these add class and value to the person flaunting them. Many designer brands also offer these stylish tote bags.

Related: Hey Cheerful… Pink bags are for you

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