Braided hairstyles are popular and a great way to style your hair beautifully. Once your hair is styled this way, it will hold in place so you don’t have to keep fussing over your locks. Braiding your hair is perfect for today’s fast paced business world. It minimizes the amount of time you need to refresh your appearance throughout the day because you will stay looking great and pulled together, giving you more time to concentrate on your tasks at hand. You will look professional and be more efficient.
There are countless ways you can braid your hair and numerous methods of braiding. Learning how to braid your hair will give you endless possibilities for style. These braided hairstyles can be used for any occasion you will attend, whether they are formal or casual events. Braided hairstyles area perfect, versatile technique for making your hair look it’s best at all times.
Braided Hairstyles and How to do Them

Braided Updo Hairstyles
Braided updo hairstyles are elegant and a wonderful look for a fancy event. They are also a great way to help beat the heat by keeping your hair off of your neck and away from your face.
Try this beautiful flower updo Hairstyle by Following the Photo Tutorial.
- Bring your hair back into a ponytail using a hair tie or hair elastic to hold the ponytail in place at the crown of your head.
- Divide your ponytail into three sections to make three braids with each section.
- Braid the three sections using a normal braiding technique.
- While braiding, pull gently on one side of the braid to give it a petal like appearance. Be careful not to pull the braid out completely. Only do this to one side of each braid.
- Tie off the bottoms of all three braids individually using a small hair elastic.
- Begin to wrap the first braid, wide petal side out around the original ponytail tie.
- Pin the braid in place to hold them securely.
- Once the first braid is done, wrap the second braid around the first. Again, larger petal side out to create the flower look. Continue to pin your braid in place. You can wrap this slightly under the first braid to begin with to create more of a protruding look for the flower, if you wish.
- Finish off with the last braid using the same method. Be sure to hide all the tie ends from the braids underneath the flower for the best results.
- Be sure to hide all the tie ends from the braids underneath the flower for the best results.
- Redo any of the braids if you are not happy with the results or if you want to change the size of the flower to make it larger or smaller. Simply wrap the braids tighter together for a smaller flower or wrap them more loosely for a larger one.
- Be sure to pin everything in place and when you are pleased with the finished product you can decorate it with a jewel or flower or anyway you would like.

The finished result of this hairstyle is done three different ways. One is with a jewel placed in the centre of the flower. Another style is with a rose tucked in the side. You could use any flower you wish. The third way is just left plain without further decoration. This gives you some ideas of how to create different looks with the same braid style.

There are so many braided updo hairstyles to choose from you could spend hours online looking up tutorials. The picture tutorial above is another great example of an easy style that uses just regular braiding, so it will be fairly quick to do as well. Be sure to brush or comb your hair out to remove any tangles before you begin.
- Divide your hair into four sections to create four braids. Two sections at the back and two thinner sections at the front. Make two separate braids on either side at the back of your hair as per the photo.
- Take one of the front sections and braid it towards the back.
- Continue to braid this section of hair and wrap it around the back of your head.
- Pin this small braid onto the back of your head making sure to tuck in the end underneath so it will be hidden.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other side front section of your hair. When wrapping this braid
- around the back of your head make a cross or ‘x’ over the first small braid.
- Again, pin this braid into place and be sure to tuck in the end so it will be hidden.
- Fold the larger back braid up towards the nape of your neck.
- Wrap this folded braid around the back of your head, as you did with the smaller braid. You can place this braid underneath the smaller braids or overtop of them, whichever you prefer and pin it securely in place.
- Repeat steps 7 and 8 with the last braid, crossing it over the previous folded braid in a similar fashion that you did the first two braids.
Braided Ponytail Hairstyles
Braided ponytail hairstyles are another trendy look that’s popular especially in the hotter weather.These can be done a couple of ways. You can braid your hair and have a regular ponytail come from the braid or do the ponytail itself in a braid. In the photo above she has had part of her hair done in a french braid and then wrapped back and tied around the rest of her hair that is pulled into a ponytail. To create a french braid you add more hair to the braid each time you take the hair from the side and cross it over the middle, adding new sections of hair into the braid as you go.
Here is quick tutorial for a braided ponytail hairstyle that is similar to the photo above:
Side French Braid Ponytail
Braided ponytail hairstyles can be worn to work, for a day out shopping or at the beach and are even a nice style to wear for when you are working out at the gym or doing yoga. This style above shows the second way in which you can make these braided hairstyles work for you. This is an example of the ponytail turned into a braid rather than the braid with a ponytail added. To create this design, simply make your hair into a ponytail tying it off as usual and then braid the ponytail into a regular braid. Tie off the bottom of the braid as well. You could always make this more fancy by using a fishtail braiding technique instead if you wished. This braided hairstyle is very quick to create and very easy to manage and looks cute, too.
Braided Prom Haistyles

Looking for ideas for your Prom night? Why not try one of a variety of braided prom hairstyles like the one above. To create this stunning look, simply section off the front of your hair and leave it for later. Create four small braids just behind the front section, two on the left and two on the right, as in the photo above. Tease up the back top of your hair or crown to give it a lifted look. Taking the front section and the braids bring them to the back of your head and pin them in place just under the crown or teased section of your hair. Curl the long hair at the back for added beauty. You can add any sort of decoration to the pinned section of your hair at the back to hide the ends. Flowers were used in the photo above, but you could use a jeweled comb or any suitable ornament you have.

Other beautifully braided prom hairstyles which looks fabulous for straight or curly hair are the waterfall braids. This technique can be a little tricky, so if you plan to do it yourself you might want to practice it a few times first to get the hang of it.
- Take a top section of your hair and divide it into three parts, like you would for a regular braid.
- Braid your hair the regular way for the first part.
- Drop the divided section that is now at the bottom and grab a new similar sized section from underneath.
- At the top of your hair you will incorporate the french braid method by adding a new piece of your hair to the braid at the top.
- Braid again in the normal way for the next part.
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 as many times as you need until you have the desired look you want.
To give you a clearer idea of how to do a waterfall braids please try following this tutorial video:
How to Create a Waterfall Braid?
Make your daughter or your niece look adorable with braided hairstyles for girls. One style that looks very sweet is the french braid. This look is appropriate for a day at school or any special occasion she may be attending. To do a french braid you start with a small section of hair and add more hair along the braid as you go. Once all the hair has been added to the braid you simple continue a regular braid for the remainder. Please view this terrific video to learn how to French braid:
How To French Braids?

This delightful hairstyle is a Dutch Lace Braid made to look like a headband around this girl’s face. A Dutch Braid is done backwards from a normal braid. The braiding is done underneath rather than overtop. When you bring the strands in from the side you go under the middle section rather than over it to create this style of braid. To accomplish this headband look, simply bring the hair in from the side near the face only and not from the back, so that it only has the DutchLace on one side.
- Separate the front section you wish work with from the back and clip or tie the back out of the way, so it doesn’t interfere with your braiding.
- Start the braid on whichever side you prefer and begin with the Dutch braid style. Divide the section of hair you are starting with into three sections.
- Take the section at the back and bring it under the middle section.
- Take the front strand (near the face) and bring it under the new middle section.
- Now you would do this in a similar fashion as the french braid (see above), adding hair from the front as you go along braiding. Only add the hair from the front to create this specific lace headband design.
- Repeat steps 3 through 5 as many times as it takes to go around her face.
- You can finish this off by continuing the braid and having the braid hang down the side with the rest of her hair or you can braid it or pin in under the loose hair at the back, whatever your prefer.
- Unclip or untie the back section of hair and brush it out to complete this cute design.
Once you have learned how to do different styles of braiding you can easily create delightful braided hairstyles for girls of all ages. The girls in your life will be thrilled with how cute you make their hair by learning these simple braided hairstyles.
Cronrow Braided Hairstyles

Natural braided hairstyles can be done in a variety of ways. These cornrows have been wrapped into an updo bun style. To make cornrows you part your hair into small sections and follow the dutch lace braiding style bringing hair in from both sides of the braid along the row until you have reached the end and then continue to dutch braid the hair for the remainder and tie off the end with a small hair elastic or beads. The thing to remember when creating this style is to keep the rows of braids very thin. It will take a lot of time to make cornrows, so you may want to do just a few rows at a time over a period of days or only do a few rows at one side of your head perhaps. Once cornrows are done you can turn them into a number of braided hairstyles like a bun or ponytail.

This micro braiding is another form of natural braided hairstyles that can be worn in a variety of ways. This style of braiding is best for short or medium length hair. You simply create many tiny,thin braids for this look. You may want to treat your hair with oil before doing this look. Again, this is another one of those very time consuming braided hairstyles. If you hair will hold in place, you don’t have to tie off the ends, but if you hair will not hold, then you can use small hair elastics or beads to tie off the ends and keep your braids from falling apart. You can leave these braids in place up to 2 months if you wish, be sure to wash and care for you hair regularly. Try not to make the braids too tight as it can be uncomfortable. There are many braided hairstyles that you can learn to do. The more you practice the better and faster you will get at braiding. Once you learn basic braids you can move on to the more complicated styles and techniques.